Friday, December 25, 2009

The Pleasure In Breast Feeding

Her only wish was to carry any living inside her tummy, her instinct begged her to allow a sweet savage to knock her up. She would let them eat her wholly though she despised the feeling in it, in them. She knew it was the only way to get what she wanted. Her adolescence passed, filled with the promise that some night someone would pull her by the hair, spank her and have her. She dreaded the idea of being touched by those lusty man. They were to take advantage of her weakness and sodomize her.
Just when her biological clock was taking its last ticks she met a noble man bewitched by her looks, he was eager to take her as her spouse and give her that child she wanted so dearly.

Right when the wedding was through she took charge and did him time and time again, till she got one. One ever growing stomach, she didn't feel satisfied. Nothing felt accomplished but after the child was delivered and ready to suck her tits. Soon enough she had a fat and strong baby, who was only allowed to suck her, and suck her 24/7. Her life was joyful, at last. Her tits expanded in a natural manner, her tits were never unattended. A calm smile overflowed her. She was mother earth, and it was her duty to be milked religiously. Forever.

But the child grew up and became unwilling to suck her. She would have make him but her husband denyed upon it, claiming it should be him the one who does all the sucking. Forced to toy with the idea, she accepted to give it a try. It could be just the same, it could be even better. He claimed that the pleasure would only increase, he said she would feel sweet extasy. He was wrong. His big hands didnt help, she felt disgust. She hated men. And he wouldn't make it any easy, for he didnt just suck her breasts but he sucked lovingly every inch of her beautiful body. She was no longer a giver of life and health, during the ilicit act she became a whore who gave her body in exchange of a doomed dream. Filthy and weak again, she was penetrated and then she knew she was back on track. She had to deliver and milk as many babies till the day she died. Her milk was rich and her bossom sweet, nature had given her power, it was located on her expanding nipples and when she used them it was an inmense force that talked through her, she was delivering a message to her offspring.

She had many strong babies, all boys except for one. The last. It was a she and just like all her older brothers soon enough she grew tired of that enchanting soft bottle. Mother stopped being fertile, and became weak again, untouched and gelous of her lovely baby girl. So she confined herself with her new enemy, her volumptuous daughter, inside the highest tower, never to hear of man again. Never too be touched and be treated like the whores she knew all seductive ladies certainly were.

When mother died, daughter was in her prime, untouched and naive, purest of them all. She was an ignorant banquet, freed at last, unafraid to see the world she knew nothing of. She only knew her mother breasts, and was utterly disgusted by them, for on accasions she had been forced by mother to suck her even though there was no point in it, for she no longer gave any milk, and her body each passing day became more and more bitter.

The daughter was unchained, and she walked outside that tower, with no clue of what the world was like. Remember: She was in her prime.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

love/ law FUCK

Hey good loooking what you got cooking??

You might think i love this song just because you love it too.
I love it cause i love it
and i love the fact that you
love it

Hello lover,
today im marrying that boy who is tough and touches me like if im a toy.
I love you
For nothing, for living
I thought i’d get handed something
the fact is I simply want you

Now and then
this is the end
no thrubbing -just let it low down
Im sick and tired
Im done of living and believing
Mostly believing on true things
Simplisity and honour:

You are a sweet fuck.. or just an animal
I'll pick, lay low,
violate your insides
FUCing animal
Keep pretending
There is nothing true
In any

You are right beneath me
and i can't simply pay attention
Which juice is worth the squeeze? You, me? THIS

I'm writing, its been a year and I've forgotten about myself
and I hate me for it.

Say hello to this brand new

She'll be a sweet fuck, just like you
and she'll diminish
Pay no attention
Get whatever it is that you want
Im just a body
So are you

REALITY is nothing
The pure imagination of an innocent soul
EAT ME! Hate me! I'm nothing


Sunday, November 22, 2009

snout white

Cold Pure, sing like a rose
wont vanish due to
a 1st kiss.
wake me lover

Thursday, October 01, 2009

he will suffer

Yet I know,
so I'm glad. I'm not the only one.
Got a snake dancing inside me, slide
through and through my laberynth.
I doubt weather they get a complex mind
the entonation is foul
it is all the same
but bigger.

You could die anyday, weeks could fly and no one would even notice.
You could be famous and no one would really care.
Give me my share, I want it,
-She won't listen,
she asks, she claims to care
she wont ever listen, yet
she claims she knows.
Oh no. I don't.

I came here to discover
how to wear it bare
and now that im here
I've realized that the source can only show me how to wear
the best disguise
femme fatale? Naive sweetie?
Buff! Puff!

I will slide
side by side
and i will learn
to recreate and
re invent
a new fabel
day by day

Sunday, February 08, 2009

La Egoista Ve Atras

Sin error ella hallo la razon ditinta
para asi continuar sintiendose miserable.
Fue mas que celos, aquel territorio valdio de su corazon
empezo a cobrar vida.
Vida que la excluye y anula,
seguramente él ahora sonreia.

Ni una palabra mas. ¡Solo quiero tu mano!
y sniffear tu aroma.

No me interesa tu historia
ni tus logros,
por hoy me basta tu persona.

Ni un beso, ni una caricia
Me rehuso a mirar dentro de tus ojos

Solo quiero tu aroma,
que tu presencia sea callada
pero constante.

Quiero poder creer que solo a mi me amas.

Friday, January 30, 2009

La Fuck Verga

La leccion ha sido formulada.
La advertencia señalada.
El esceptico no comprende.

Todo te vale verga... "Cada instante es importante. Cada elemento, particula es importante." ¿Que? En este instante me duele la reciente gastritis y me vale verga. ¿Donde esta lo importante? Un dolor insoportable y tratable que no me puede importar. Detalles mas idiotas hay y habran. Aquel que me importa en verdad ni se pudo despertar. Ya nada me importa.

Esta es la razon por la que decidi cagarla. Y cuando la cago la cago bien. Y no he parado. Una hilera de vergas he vomitado. Hace rato que estuve asqueada.

La accion es facil, el foul no falla. Y me vale verga.
Voy a parar. Parar de fingir complicidad.
La verdad es que solo te queria usar.
La verdad es que conocia de antemano lo limitados que eran tus servicios.
La idealista en mi prefirio dudar (y jugar).
¡He aqui una verga mas a la hilera!
Admiraos vosotros, a que no tienen una hilera tan variada, tan bonita,
tan verga. Esta es mi fuck verga,
te la presento con sinceras nauseas.
Exaltaos vosotros y vedme reir.
Por que esto me causa carcajadas
y mucho hastio, no te olvides del hastio.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This is fact not fiction

Even when you are naked, there are ways not to expose yourself. My single most craved desire is to wear it bare. I don't intentionally lie with my mouth, I lie with my body, with these unstoppable actions.

Oh well, it all depends on how you wanna look at it. Maybe I don't feel you, but I must be able to feel the moment and most importantly, I feel a crazy desire to feel you. I do wanna be wit you, only not forever.

I can feel a decaying motion in what has barely started. The scene that leaves me frozen has been played again. The infinite woman feeds her time impulsively, it is patience what she lacks. Having the power to be the predator lazily she chooses to be the prey. There wont be a climax in whatever it is they chase.

In the need of comfort she reminds herself 'This soon will come to an end'.
And then she feels guilty 'cuz maybe she is not giving him a chance. Maybe he knows he has no chance, for which he summits himself to this charade, in which we pretend we are having fun. And in moments we are, but that s all. There is nothing meaningful in fun.

So, she feels the guilt burning up. What a waste. What an unfair treatment to something as pure. We shouldn't waste any time. We shouldn't portray what is unreal.

The urge is sincere.
The urge for him
the need for proximity
the urge to learn.
She has chosen.
She has already been broken.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

the demented is GOne!

Shut the door, wonder why he doesn't get it. He is a brat with a far too simple mind.
Shut the door, get back home. Exhale.
Gaze at the figure who gave you birth, the depression in her waist,
the fury in her eyes. Fear is all around.

I needed to pour something sour. 'Cuz I don't get it.
The source in the light.
I needed to test your reactions.

Cut the crap, open that door. Tell me what I am here for.