Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Venus tiene los ojos pesados.

Venus después de la fiesta, el único corazón roto es el suyo.
Venus planeta olvidado
duerme sin órbita.
Ha pegado sus ojos a la almohada pues teme que al despertar, sus amantes la hayan olvidado.

'Estas tan lejos Casiopea, podrías estar recostada en esta cama y tenerme entre tus brazos, seguiría sintiéndote lejana. Todas están lejos.'

Es una habitación gigante, sin muros,
una cama vieja y pequeña, ella duerme envuelta en Esmeraldas.
Abajo, no se sabe si hay piso, es una enredadera de cartuchos, y serpientes grandes que no paran de enroscarse unas con otras. Venus duerme
no sabe que mas hacer. Esta cansada de jugar.
Se niega a tomarse algo en serio. No hay con quien bailar.

Los demás dioses andan ocupados, organizando guerras, redactando teorías, construyendo puentes, inspirando a humanos, el solo pensar en tanta actividad la agota.
A veces se siente impaciente, así que se levanta y arregla su cabello,
piensa en encontrarse con Magdalena, pero al rato se da cuenta lo largo que es el viaje.
Desganada se deja morder por la serpiente criada en jardines de Amapolas, vuelve a dormir.
Musita palabras que nadie oirá.
Ella es eterna. Es una condena.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Diciembre 2, 2008

'What troubles me more is the sight of his back as he walks away...'

marzo 3, 2009 (no se a que va esto)

intente encajar la llave en el orifico

mi punteria suele fallar

el genero no libera mi deseo

equellas excusas ahora pueden ir al excusado

Dial 69 For Sex

Junio 12, 2012
10:48 pm

Cory lived in a single room apartment where her bed, and kitchen coexisted with all the rest. It was winter at the time though it felt like a cold spring day. The sun was distant but its rays were persistant. The small room consisted of a tiny single folding plastic table, a matching plastic chair, and a canister full of fashion magazines, twin size bed used as a couch as well, where she sat spreadily and a pink celular phone. 

Life was easy and private. She got more beauty sleep than prescribed, and had no aspirations. She found joy in the little things. Time for contemplation, enough discipline for daily body lotion application. Magazines, books, shōjo manga. Nights out for dancing, lunch with friends, movies alone. 

Her job wasn't half bad. It didn't require any sort of grooming, transportation. All she had to do was wait by the phone from 9 to 3, answer it, and make the interlocutor come. It did require attention, she was a perfectionist. She was good. The pink phone was only turned on during those hours. Body cleansed and groomed she would go for it. She had her fun. 

Numerous amounts of sexual relationships were formed during those hours. She never faked it. Which was hard with new costumers, if you don't click, you don't click. She wanted them to click and fit, fit into that roar. But most were gross, stupid men, they didn't listen. Why did they call if all they wanted was to jerk off. She went with the flow, she was always polite, she was always protected. 
She liked her regulars, they always clicked, they made her come. They were good. It was hot.

Shadow Heart. (Dec 17, 2012)

It was a fortunate moment when he decided to stay put and quiet. There was something strange going on inside her body, as he pumped her with his erection she felt this strange pressure, it was not painful but incredibly unpleasant. So they stopped, but only for a moment. Her love was a whole, his member on that moment was small. He got up from the floor where they had been laying in order to make no noise (some beds can do so much nagging.) He held his hand in front of her and helped her get up.

Lights were out.
There were shadows and sad hearts.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

THORNS (what are they good for?)

i drop you a bomb but i want peace
i want your love
so i built a fort.