( ... ) dreaming. Done.
When dreaming is done I am still dreaming. There is always more.
Write whose name is composed of tender letters
lay it under the moon during a whole cycle
Kiss your hands and fingers, thinking of his letters
full moist lip. do it on a daily basis.
one letter, two letters, three letters, four letters, five,
six letters.
during that whole cycle.
Save his name in pink envelope
leave it under your pillow
lucid dreams of you making love to his letters
as they make love to you.
Dream for another full cycle.
Make up a chant and touch yourself
mimic the way you would touch him,
if he'd let you
I invest my love on the Power of Pink
Send me to my love and in return of his receiving
I pay in full form the letter 'I'.
When dreaming is done, when dreaming is done
( ... ) dreaming. Done.
When dreaming is done I still lay in my bed. Eyes open.
I cannot be sure of my eyes.
I cannot be sure of the 'I'.
And for hell I cannot trust this chants, this feelings, this dreams.
I cannot trust your love.
I cannot trust you denying me.
When will you take me?
When dreaming is done, when dreaming is done
( ... ) dreaming. Done.
When dreaming is - NOTHING IS DONE if it was dreaming.
if you sometimes mix up dreams and reality, then reality isn't done either!
When the deed is done, when the deed is done
When will you have me?
Fuck the moderns and they're modern love
Fuck individuality
Fuck passions
Fuck deciding between goals or other sort of goals
Fuck the type of feminism that dictates
>< I cannot just think of being loved by you.><
I do. I do. I do!
Help me erase my letters
by making them something much sweeter.